
Monkey research upside down!

The debate has been raging, sparked by animal rights groups. Opposition to the use of chimps in research, ban on breeding in the USA, validity of chimpanzees as research models and even the keeping of chimps in research studies.  No I am not a researcher nor am I looking for a cure for hepatitis C. I am not yet a victim of Parkinson's disease either. I do however care about what is happening to our healthcare systems and medical advancement.
Strangely enough Chimps are listed as endangered species, would that not be reason to support their breeding on a large scale? Some could be destined for research while others for re-introduction into the wild. Keeping a geneticaly diverse gene pool is critical in colonies but also in the wild. Some call this speciesm, well so be it. You can follow some of the recommendations on the use of chimps that came out of the United States IOM report here:
chimp research under scrutiny

I for one am interested in cures and saving lives of humans and animals alike, it is a top priority. I sure am not the only one, as you can witness from the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation towards medical research. As does the Michael J Fox foundation and there are plenty more. Researchers all over the world are providing hope to people. To those that are injured, those that suffer, those that are waiting for a transplant or a cure. Nevermind the debate - when you are ill or those around you affected, chances are that what you care about is to get better or to use the drugs that will cure you and alleviate your pains. And if you are willing to give up your organs for transplantation purposes, would you not want to ensure it works, even if it means testing on animals first? Sure you do, because it is exactly the reason for giving your organs, which is to save lives.

Scientists are making a compelling case towards the need for using animals including non human primates. They are however not marketing what they do as animal rights groups do. Researchers do not use guerilla type marketing with thousands of emails being send by like minded members. They do not call people targets and do not provide physical adresses of individuals involved in research over the internet for demonstration purposes.

So what is next ? Preventing the use of another primate species such as the macaque? Could it be that supply of non human primates be stopped, using the same techniques?
Take a look at this: activists ground primate flights .

Now ask yourself is your voice being heard? What about the voice of those that suffer or those that are affected by a disease? Shall we leave thousands if not millions of people struggling for themselves?
Here's what Roger Morris, Professor of Molecular Neurobiology at King's College London, has to say :
"For complex diseases like Alzheimer's, animal research is vital to find effective and early diagnostic markers that allow treatment while it is still possible. We can reliably identify early stages in the brains of animals, and from there identify changes in people that signify early onset of the disease, before the brain is irreparably damaged. Without that we are unlikely to find effective therapies." 
The UK Alzheimer's Society added that:
Although the exact causes of Alzheimer’s remain unknown, monkeys and GM mice with Alzheimer’s-like brain abnormalities are helping scientists to unlock the secrets of the disease. These animals have been crucial in identifying molecules in the brain that appear to play a role in disease development, and genetic mutations that confer susceptibility to Alzheimer’s. Animal studies have also confirmed that head injuries, obesity and inactivity increase disease risk.

Source: Understanding Animal Research in April 26th 2012 newsletter. 


Learning and appreciating contributors to well-being

I know I keep on talking about education and where to find valuable information about the use of animals in research. I too started from scratch but by being involved I learned and discovered people whom share a common passion. People that care about humans and animals alike and about advancing medical research for the greater benefit of all.

Training truly is a great way of advancing in life, personally and in a career. Actually I find that in any activity you do there is a learning aspect. Sometimes you may be challenged by a task and it is daunting. You are being asked to come out of your comfort zone and that is not always easy I know.
You really shouldn't feel bad or akward about this, for you have trained and learned during your entire life.

Most aspects in animal research are regulated in one way or another and that is a very good thing.
For example take transportation, not only are there the guidelines for the humane transportation of research animals

but in addition there are also state, interstate, national and international regulations that govern some aspect of the movement animals, be they destined to research or not. These can involve such aspects as health permits, import criteria or control mechanisms preventing the introduction of diseases or invasive species. Another important aspect is the Convention in international trade of endangered species of wild fauna and flora, also known as CITES.

Other examples include the IATA Live Animals Regulations manual, which the airlines abide by for the acceptance, packing and handling of live animals, and laws set forth by countries such as the Animal Welfare Act in the United States or EC Regulation #1 - 2005 that is applicable through-out Europe.

The care and use of animals in laboratories is another domain covered by guidelines that you can train to and should be familiar with.   You can order the guide here or download the pdf for free
So yes there is more to it than meets the eye but with good training and some mentors I am confident that you too can learn your way into understanding and learning about what is involved in biomedical research.
Then there are those that dedicate their lives towards understanding disease mechanisms, virus functions and their transmission, gene research etc, the list is endless.
This is fundamental research that leads to important breakthroughs we all benefit from. Some researchers one day reach the ultimate hall of fame and are rewarded for their work with a Nobel price. You can find a list of these Nobel laureates hereafter together with how they contributed to Medicine and which animal models contributed to their success.
Medical Progress, Nobel laureates and associated animals

About a year ago I benefited from this one:
I and my family therefore thank M. Barry J. Marshall and the piglets he used, wholeheartedly!


About being held hostage

No this post is not about the stockholm syndrome, although sometimes I really wonder.
We know that businesses don't like bad press, who actually does really? Even I have to think twice when confronted with constructive criticism, let stand negative ones. So what to say when opposition is voiced through email and web campaigns or by lobbying and harassing those you do business with?

Things do get worse when a vast silent majority is being held hostage by a very vocal minority. Images of animals used in research are all over the internet. These images are often taken out of context for the sake of illustrating cruelty with the admitted purpose of ending all animal use.
Are you part of the majority? Do you feel being held hostage by this minority? What about your businesses and its management ? Is the pressure mounting? Well if you do, AR groups want you to go ahead click on the ''donate'' button or partake in the emailing campaigns. Slowly becoming a stockholm syndrome victim, are you? Or is there an alternative? I think so! Being aware and educated as to why research using animals takes place is answering part of the equation. Another part of the answer is in attitudes, the willingness to act and assuming an educated choice.

Perhaps giving in is also the position adopted by the many airlines and other transporters that have ceased accepting laboratory animals. Don't get me wrong, businesses are run to make money not to debate the ethical or unethical use of animals. The greater picture however is different. I want you to meet Mike Robinson, I met him in a meeting a few years ago through this video. I have never forgotten Mike.

Mike, parkinson's disease and monkey research

No one is against virtue but abusing people is something different. If you want to know more about the subject of animals in research, you can sign up here for it is a good way of staying aware, educated and engaged. Sign up  with understanding animal research and decide for yourself about animal research and how it helps saving lives. Perhaps yours one day or a loved one, who can tell?  


A world apart

Sometimes taking a step backwards is necessary. Looking at what is happening in animal research I have said it before, is fascinating. One such institution involved in animal research in the US is the Washington National Primate research Center. It does research on AIDS and related diseases, Non human primates systems biology, neuroscience, evolutionary emergence of infectious diseases and more.

Take a look at their  web pages:

Washington National Primate Research Center

Not all of us fully understand the use of non human primates in research but looking at the various articles and the fields the researchers are involved in, sheds light on what it is they are trying to achieve and how research improves human health. Of course science is not providing an immediate answer to what are complex questions but instead it tries to unravel bits and pieces, the answers of which together in a collaborative effort over time lead to the understanding of mechanisms and processes that affect humans and animals alike.

When in the eighties people started to die from an unknown disease later called AIDS and caused by the human immunodefeciency virus, there were more questions than there were answers. Many died of the disease, whereas now when treated that is, they no longer do.  It is easy to in a few paragraphs jump from where we were to where we are at now. Nevertheless it took many scientists, a lot of money, time and work to answer such questions as the causes of AIDS, symptoms, infection, diagnosis and treatment.  And Yes animals were used to find answers. If you were involved in this research you as a member of this community would have had to live with the pressures of understanding the disease, finding treatments and establishing pathways to potential cures such as through vaccines, whilst being asked to reduce the amount of animals used in research. I take my hat off to you. For more information on primate use in research, you can go to

For us members of the general public, it is therefore important to make the link between animal research and the process that leads to drug discovery and the bringing to market of  drugs.
This site gives you an excellent overview of the drug development process.
The drug development process

And then there are people like this that are a world apart. I will let you make your own opinion.

south Florida smash hls  or this negotiation is over and airsouffrance or BUAV cargo cruelty campaign

Mine is made. My vote goes to research!


Of other concerns

The subject of animal research is fascinating! Not only because it helps find cures for humans but also for animals - it works both ways. On a more personnal level I too have benefited from medical advances, since I have had several surgeries, have taken medication and have witnessed how my mother was saved from disease by the use of a radioactive implant. We should not take all of this for granted. We can educate ourselves, our children, friends and people around us about how important animal research is.

This link shows the wide variety of animals that are used in research, for which goals and some of the critical medical milestones reached in time. Remember though that currently rats and mice constitute the majority of animals used.

States United for biomedical research (SUBR)

One can also find information about the essential role of Biomedical research towards the search for cures, treatments and medical advancements here :
Foundation for Biomedical Research

There are some interesting stories to view on the FBR site and teachers can find educational materials for classroom use.

The following blog is an advocacy group that talks about the importance of animal research in medical and veterinary science. It is not only very informative but it also drills down to actual research level as you can see on a recent post about animal models and parkinson's desease.
Speaking of research

There are however other concerns those involved in research should be worried about. Increasingly Universities offer animal law studies. I am not saying this is wrong. Protecting endangered animal species through trade mechanisms such as the CITES convention is a good thing when done properly. However I worry when animals can inherit from humans through trusts or foundations. I worry, when animal rights groups seek to obtain for the benefit of animals the almost identical legal status as humans do. Boundaries are being pushed. Often this is done by using emotions and feelings such as guilt, others try philosophy.

When the devil creeps into the fine print of legislative proposals or initiatives, we should worry. Sentiency is another way of achieving the same purpose. We should however not forget the invaluable benefits humankind derives from medical research and what it is trying to achieve. Those that are involved in animal research , directly and indirectly, must be protected in law for I say it is part of an important public service we all benefit from one day or another, willingly or unconsciously.


Lack of animal transporters challenges research

Animal rights groups may choke off UK research

Last March a series of interventions were made by Lord Drayson (previously science minister in the UK) alarming the general public to the fact that there are almost no transporters left that are willing to bring research destined animals into the country.


Now that of course causes several problems. It is important to say that in the UK it is a legal requirement to test on at least two animal species, for safety reasons understandably. Transport companies are now being challenged to stop transporting animals or face the multiple campaigns that animal rights groups set up. Should we really worry? I think so. Especially now that there are only a handfull of air transporters left that are willing to transport laboratory animals, not just to the UK but worldwide. It is a big problem, not only for research but also for other communities that rely on air transport. Choking off supply has the same effect as stopping animal research. Moreover it is potentially done at the cost of drug discovery or the finding of new cures for mankind or animals.

Some animal rights group have very explicit materials on their web sites calling for actions one can take to stop any kind of animal use. It does not stop there for they also name individuals involved in research at Universities and cite companies involved in ancilliary activities such as transportation, as targets. A google search will quickly generate a list of such sites. Research should not be aplogetic about its activities. Instead more people should stand up and voice their concerns about these tactics !

Health care has improved our lives and it will continue to do so but only if and when it is allowed to function as it is supposed to. It matters to you and I. To those involved in institutions, research labs, Universities , pharmaceuticals and hospitals etc I say thank you for your commitment and dedication.


What matters the most?

This blog is about Animal Research and how it contributes to saving lives - our lives - yesterday, today and tomorrow!

That is my opinion and it is worth my time and hopefully yours.

To me it is all about finding cures and making discoveries towards unmet medical needs. I spent a lot of time on the subject and although I am not in research there are plenty of extremely valuable people and companies or institutions out there that have a commitment towards bettering the conditions we live in.

This blog is also for them and about them.

As a starter I would like to point to where you can find valuable information about animal research

In Europe: EFPIA http://www.efpia.eu/content/Default.asp?PageID=372

and http://animaltestingperspectives.org/

In the USA: NABR  http://www.nabr.org/Biomedical_Research/Benefits.aspx