
Did you know that?

Did you know that Chimpanzees are the only species other than humans that can be infected by the hepatitis C virus?  The results from a study using chimps were critical in the development of the monoclonal antibody as is reported here on sciencedaily.com

See also article http://medimoon.com/2012/08/a-new-peptide-could-prevent-hcv-entry-into-the-liver-cells/
Source: http://medimoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/hepatitis_c.gif 

Often people wonder what is happening with tax payers money that goes to for example the NIH.
Well in the case of the above study the NIH used some of it to fund this specific endeavour. This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH. Whereas the Southwest National Primate Research Center performed the chimpanzee studies , supported through a  NIH primate center grant P51 RR13986 and the NIH facilities grants C06 RR 12087 and C06 RR016228.  

Besides the research findings which are only at the proof of concept stage, patients that are suffering from the hep c virus now have a new hope of preventing the virus from damaging their newly transplanted liver. Isn't this what research is all about? Medical progress that eventually ends up saving lives.  For further information on the hep c virus and a new peptide that could prevent HCV entry into liver cells click here.

The WHO publishes a fact sheet on the disease here and in it you will find information on geographical distribution of the disease, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, testing, treatment and prevention.

Did you know that the World Health Organization also organizes World Hepatitis Day on 28 July every year to increase awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis?


Medical progress needs transportation

Pleased to report my guest post on the Speaking of research blog called Safeguarding Medical progress means supporting animal transport.

You can find it by clicking the following link. Likewise if you work in transportation or an affiliated industry, it is important to know how you can support initiatives that seek to support the continued transportation of laboratory destined animals. Being familiar with the sources for educated information about animal research is equally as important.

If your company or you as an individual are called targets by animal extremists, do not hesitate and contact the appropriate parties.   Unless of course you support PETA campaigns against airlines.
In which case you support the statements that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment (think of zoo's and aquaria or other conservation mechanisms).

With more than one million living species described, the animal kingdom is by far the largest on earth. I can't wait to see PETA's first invertebrate campaign in support of  animal rights for Nematodes (agrilus planipennis). After all, despite their threat to agriculture, aren't they all animals worthy figthing for? What about protection for agricultural plant species many of us depend upon for our  diets? Surely using bees for polination puposes is called slavery by some and exploiting their honey equates to animal cruelty! 

What about you? Is medical progress on your mind? Do the right thing and support animal research. Who knows one day you , or a family member, too may benefit from the many medical advances we are used to. Take a look here.



HSUS, PETA share $ and resources, Air China stops primate transport

Source Animal Agricultural Alliance

There is a complex interplay going on between animal organizations that involves money and people. No wonder then that there is commonality in targets, strategy and in moving forward against animal use industries. Here's how the Animal Agricultural Alliance describes it:
Radical activist organizations are leading the fight to grant animals the same legal rights as humans. The ideology of the animal rights movement- that animals are not ours to own, enjoy, or use in any way- is a direct assault on farmers and pet owners. Activists often hide their true agenda in order to gain the support of unknowing pet lovers. Here, you will find current updates from the world of animal rights.

In fact talking of targets and opposing animal use,  yet another airline - Air China - has ceased transporting laboratory destined monkeys, as PETA reports a victory against NHP laboratory animal transport:
Repeated by smash hls
The sad story continues? Not really. Facts and figures show that the majority of laboratory animals consist of rats and mice. Whilst research does need primates, the locations where research now takes place, are simply moving closer to where the animals are.
Should you be interested in where all these charitable donations go to at PETA take a look here: http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=4314
PETA in FY2011 earned $30,591,252 in contributions, whereas total expenses amounted to $36,869,314 leaving a $-5,057,199 deficit for the year!
Not bad for a registered charity that apparently doesn't run or own shelters and lives of public donations. According to the charity evaluator that leaves them with an overall one star rating out of four.